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954 offers
Naturpark Gantrisch

Schwimmbad Eywald

Jeden Frühling wird das "Bedli" Eywald feierlich eröffnet, nachdem das Team alles für die kommende Badesaison hergerichtet hat. 

Infrastructure SummerSwimming pool/Swimming lake
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Mollens - Varen

The funicular railway takes us from Sierre to Montana and there we take the bus to Aminona. After a surprise by the Raspille we continue to Cordona. Finally we follow the big water canal as far as Varen.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 11.00km
Naturpark Thal

Via Surprise: Kraftorte-Tour

Diese Tour führt Sie von Olten durch zum Teil wilde Landschaften quer durch den Baselbieter und Solothurner Jura zum Pilgerort Mariastein. Unterwegs erleben Sie grandiose Aussichten und begegnen mystischen und religiösen Kraftorten.

Theme trail
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 8.42km
Naturpark Thal

Via Surprise: Kloster-Tour

Von Basel bis nach Solothurn besuchen Sie Kirchen und Pilgerorte und übernachten in drei Klöstern.

Theme trail
Time required: > 6hLength: 35.60km
Parc naturel régional Jura vaudois

Circle Hike Dent de Vaulion

A lovely circle hike leading from the lakeside village of Le Pont to the summit of the mountain Dent de Vaulion and return to Le Pont via Pétra Félix.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 - 4hLength: 10.00km
Parc naturel régional Jura vaudois

Tour du Lac de Joux

Discover the largest lake in the Jura massif by walking completely around it.

Hiking trail
Time required: 5 hoursLength: 23.00km
Naturpark Beverin

Waldlehrpfad Andeer-Clugin

Der Waldlehrpfad zwischen Andeer und Clugin erlaubt die Entdeckung des Waldes in seiner ganzen Vielfalt mit 11 Nadelbaum- und 26 Laubbaumarten sowie 20 Sträuchern. Zusätzlich sind verschiedene Nisthilfen für Vögel entlang des Weges vorhanden.

Theme trail
Time required: < 2hLength: 4.70km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

Guided walk Margunet

The walk leads us through an interesting section of the Pass dal Fuorn forests and the wonderfully varied flora of the Park’s alpine meadows. The nature trail provides detailed information along the way, in 5 languages.

Hiking trail
Time required: 3 hoursLength: 7.00km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

Guided walk Val Trupchun

Particularities: mixed alpine forests with good opportunities for observing animals, in particular red deer, ibex and marmots; varied vegetation. Mainly on the level, this walk is suitable even in bad weather.

Hiking trail
Time required: 7 hoursLength: 14.00km
Biosfera Val Müstair

Militärhistorische Wanderung

Auf der geführten Wanderung in einer grandiosen Bergwelt die Hintergründe der tragischen Begegnungen dreier Nationen im Grenzgebiet Schweiz/Italien/Österreich auf dem Umbrailpass/Stilfserjoch erleben.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 10.00km
Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen

Reiatbadi Hofen

Gleich in der Nähe des Schulhauses befindet sich die Badi Unterer Reiat. Nebst dem grossen Becken, finden sich auch für die kleinen Badibesucher Kinderbecken um im kühlen Nass zu spielen.

Swimming pool/Swimming lake
Parc du Doubs

Call of the north in the Jura

Sleep in a trapper tent in the heart of the snowy forest and discover how to lead a husky team. And to get warm again, enjoy a cosy fondue in open natural surroundings.

Rental for sports equipment
Parc du Doubs

Chemins de la Contrebande

Glissez-vous dans la peau d’un contrebandier sur l’un des quatre chemins de la contrebande et profitez de sites naturels totalement préservés.

Theme trailHiking trail
Parc du Doubs

Contrebande - Orlogeur

Voyagez dans le temps entre la France et la Suisse. Marchez sur les pas de l’orlogeur et aventurez-vous sur la piste de la contrebande horlogère en 5 étapes entre Morteau et La Chaux-de-Fonds. Transport de bagages inclus.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 60.00km
Naturpark Thal

Freibad Moos, Balsthal

Moderne Freibadanlage inmitten einer grünen Oase. 50m-Becken, Lernschwimm- und Kinderbecken, 10 Meter-Speedrutschbahn, Spielfelder für Beachvolley- und Fussball, Spielplatz, Baderestaurant und Picknickplätze. Hier fühlt man sich wie in den Ferien!

Parc Ela

Panorama trail in Val Tuors

The chair lift brings you to the starting point of the panorama trail. You walk along the Val Tuors to Chants. You can return either by the Alpine bus or on foot.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 9.50km
Parc naturel régional Jura vaudois

Savurando Parc Jura vaudois

Au fil d'intrigantes énigmes et des saveurs du terroir, vous serez immergés dans les secrets du patrimoine culturel et naturel du Parc Jura vaudois.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 7.50km
Parc du Doubs

La Bricotte Smuggler Route

Theme trail in 5 stages This 77 km long circular trail from Maîche follows the tracks of a little female smuggler, who was a true master at hiding her contraband.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 77.00km
Parc du Doubs

Les Gabelous Smuggler Route

Mountain bike circular tour in 7 stages from Morteau (F) or Saint-Ursanne (CH). Look out for clues so you can break up a band of smugglers!

Theme trailMountainbike trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 252.00km
Parc du Doubs

La Bricotte Smuggler - 1

On the first stage from Maîche (Fr) to Le Bois de la Biche, follow the tracks of the former Tacot railway and enjoy the view over the Vallée de la Mort (valley of death) from the viewpoint of La Cendrée.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 3 hours 45 minutesLength: 12.70km
Parc du Doubs

La Bricotte Smuggler - 2

Along the second stage from Le Bois de la Biche to les Bois, you will be immersed in the history of the smugglers and the atmosphere of the Vallée de la Mort. Climb up the ladder of death just like the smugglers of earlier days.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 17.90km
Parc du Doubs

La Bricotte Smuggler - 3

On the third stage from Le Bois to Maison-Monsieur, you have to call the ferryman in order to cross the Doubs with the boot. This passage of the Doubs is a green idyllic oasis where time seem carried away.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 13.90km
Parc du Doubs

La Bricotte Smuggler - 4

The 4th stage takes you to Bonnétage. At the border crossing go over the Pont de la Rasse, which is constructed in the style of the Eiffel Tower.
After you pass the Doubs valley viewpoint, you will notice the typical architecture of the farmstead.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 16.80km
Parc du Doubs

La Bricotte Smuggler - 5

On the final stage, you will cross mysterious moors and discover sink-holes and geological curiosities. Stop for a break at the Faux-Verger viewpoint, where the panorama offers a spectacular view of the Alps and the Vosges.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 16.10km
Parc Ela

Discovery Trail Alp Flix - not available

The content is revised - On the discovery trail on Alp Flix, children become discoverers and learn a lot about nature.

Theme trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 1.70km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

eTree cablecar Torrent

With the NatuReLL eTree, the ReLL AG offers a locally and sustainably produced solution for the loading of eBikes.

Infrastructure SummerE-Bike charging station
Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen

Savurando Regional Nature Park Schaffhausen

On this treasure hunt, guests follow enigmatic clues and hike through the hilly landscape of the Lower Reiat. Along the way, they enjoy a regional culinary treat from our producers.

Theme trail
Time required: 3 hours 30 minutesLength: 8.00km
Parc régional Chasseral

Pioneer trail

Chasseral - La Vue des Alpes: This two-day walk takes you along the path of the pioneers through the unique Jura mountain landscape and the Regional Park.

Hiking trail
Time required: 9 hoursLength: 28.00km
Parc régional Chasseral

Baptists' trail

A hiking trail along the path of the Baptists: You will visit secret meeting places and go along paths that are bordered by dry stone walls. And visit Baptists' bridge and the Baptists' archive in which many unpublished documents are stored.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 10 hoursLength: 33.50km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

Rastplatz Alp Stabelchod

Die Alp Stabelchod wurde bis 1911 als Viehalp genutzt. Heute ist sie die am besten untersuchte Wiese Europas und idealer Beoachtungspunkt für Murmeltiere.

Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Lakes Route

Picture postcard Switzerland: cheese, chalets, snowy summits, cable cars, hotel aromas and scissor cuts. Away from the idyllic image, the Pays d'Enhaut and Saanenland, an impressive landscape enlivened by a VIP aura and canny mountain folk.

Bicycle tour
Length: 45.00km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

La Sarine au Pays-d'Enhaut

From Rougemont, which was once the priory of Cluny, the trial goes over the Kirchenhügel from Château-d'Oex to the Grand Chalet of Rossinière. It goes between the rushing Saane and landscape steeped in history, moulded by the mountain farmers.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 - 4hLength: 15.00km
Parc du Doubs

Mont Soleil Tour

This wonderful tour will calmly lead you from Saignelégier towards the Mont-Soleil and back to the start. You will come across beautiful landscapes within the Doubs and Chasseral Nature Parks.

E-bike itinerary
Time required: 2 - 4hLength: 42.00km
Parc du Doubs

Franches-Montagnes Tour

This route provides a gorgeous overview of Les Franches-Montagnes which is a typical Jurassic landscape at 3'280 ft. There are wooded pastures with horses, peatland wilderness areas and fir trees.

Mountainbike trail
Time required: 2 - 4hLength: 42.00km
Parc du Doubs

Au fil du Doubs - Stage 2

This stage goes through a thick and wild forest, house of many plant and animal species . It is hard to imagine just how much industry there was here 200 years ago. Today, only a few signs of this intense industrial activity remain.

Hiking trail
Time required: 5 hours 35 minutesLength: 20.70km
Parc du Doubs

Au fil du Doubs - Stage 3

Enjoy the water along the quiet broad pathways, an ideal spot to observe the river's activity. Amid the silent fishermen, you can admire the trouts, pikes and aprons, also known as Roi du Doubs.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 - 4hLength: 12.90km
Parc du Doubs

Au fil du Doubs - Stage 4

Leave the wild nature behind you and slowly come back to the real world before reaching the medieval town of St-Ursanne. There, the Doubs makes a sharp turn; perhaps this is where it gets ist name from - dubitus meaning the hesitant in Latin.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 - 4hLength: 15.40km
Parc du Doubs

Canoe treasure hunt

Put your detective hat on and paddle from clue to clue on the river Doubs. Read the explorer's handbook carefully to find the hidden treasure! A great adventure for the whole family.

Rental for sports equipment
Parc du Doubs

Cabane les Roches de Moron

Ce joli abri en bois rond de la région se situe à quelques dizaines de mètres d'un point de vue panoramique sur le Doubs. Situé en forêt, il comprend 2 tables intérieures, 1 table sous couvert, 1 table extérieure et un foyer.

Parc du Doubs

Chemin des pâturages

Der Verein Les Chemins du Bio wurde von einer Gruppe jurassischer Biolandwirte gegründet mit dem Ziel, den Biolandbau für Aussenstehende erfahrbar zu machen. Bei Hofbesuchen erhalten Gäste einen Einblick in die erdeverbundene Tätigkeit der Bauern.

Theme trailHiking trail
Length: 26.50km
Parc Ela

Spazierpark Filisur

Entdecken Sie den Spazierpark. Ein Wegnetz verbindet das weltbekannte Landwasserviadukt und die geschichtsträchtige Ruine Greifenstein mit dem Dorf Filisur. Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit und geniessen Sie regionale Köstlichkeiten in Filisur.

Theme trail
Time required: < 2h
Naturpark Beverin

Kanuschule Versam

Seit 1989 bietet die Kanuschule Versam GmbH Angebote rund um's Wildwasser an

Parc du Doubs

Canoe on the Doubs river

Known for its natural beauty and for being easily navigable, the Doubs river is a true paradise for all the canoe fans. Get aboard and discover the flora and fauna of the Doubs river. More info:

Theme trailOther routes
Naturpark Thal

NaturparkBus hike

The perfect Sunday walk – take the NaturparkBus from Balsthal up to the Brunnersberg (1118 m. a. s. l.) From there, you have a gentle hike to the Obere Tannmatt (1122 m. a. s. l.) and take the bus from there back down the valley.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 6.50km
Wildnispark Zürich Sihlwald

Searching for clues for children

A quest for clever Sihlwald detectives.

Theme trail
Wildnispark Zürich Sihlwald

Mit dem Eichhörnchen-Rucksack unterwegs

Ein Erlebnis für die ganze Familie: Thematischer Spaziergang im Sihlwald mit dem Eichhörnchen Rubia.

Theme trail
Time required: 50 minutesLength: 1.34km
Naturpark Thal

Der FlowerWalk „Bluemewäg Allmend“

Auf der Wanderung werden Sie Via App auf Pflanzenarten am Wegrand aufmerksam gemacht.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 6.00km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Savurando - treasure hunt

Wide views and exciting insights into wine in the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park await you on the Savurando.
The southern ambience in central Valais and the diverse landscape values invite you to discover the nature park with all your senses.

Hiking trail
Time required: 6 hoursLength: 9.50km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Susten, Illgraben

The fascination of the Illgraben, the spicy fragrance of the forest, birdsong and the spectacular Bhutan Bridge

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 30 minutesLength: 4.89km
Parc du Doubs

Chemin des Eglantines

Der Verein Les Chemins du Bio wurde von einer Gruppe jurassischer Biolandwirte gegründet mit dem Ziel, den Biolandbau für Aussenstehende erfahrbar zu machen. Bei Hofbesuchen erhalten Gäste einen Einblick in die erdeverbundene Tätigkeit der Bauern.

Theme trailHiking trail
Length: 36.00km