Mulattiera da Selma a Landarenca
Via storica d'importanza nazionale che collega Selma a Landarenca
Via storica d'importanza nazionale che collega Selma a Landarenca
The fun way to discover the mountain world. Take a ride on a mule through the beautiful mountain scenery of the Binntal Landscape Park.
Erleben Sie Musik in der freien Natur - auf dem Musikweg im Unteren Fricktal.
Der 5,3 km lange Rundweg führt durch die wunderbaren Landschaftsräume zwischen dem Taveldenkmal (Bütschel-Gschneit oberhalb von Riggisberg) und dem Ausflugsziel Bütschelegg.
MTB tour over the hills of the Entlebuch and Emmental.
Unsere Kinder- und Familienexkursionen bieten wir von Anfang Juli bis Mitte August jeweils am Mittwochvormittag an. Neben der Wahrnehmung der Natur mit allen Sinnen stehen der spielerische Zugang zu Pflanzen und Tieren im Vordergrund.
Wandern Sie auf dem Natur- und Kulturweg von der Linner Linde ins Sagimülitäli und erleben Sie die Jurapark-Landschaft.
Between the valley and the gorges, the path winds between the road and the engineering structures of the railway line, which regularly disappears into a tunnel.
With a close-up view of the Landwasser viaduct, the second stage takes you to the shady bank of the Albula and down into the valley.
The first stage starts well above the Rhone Valley and takes you down to the bottom of the valley with magnificent views over the sunny terraces.
The second stage takes you to wine-growing villages through the Mediterranean vineyard.
The first stage crosses gently the mountain pastures and the mountain forest that overlooks the left side of the valley.
The second stage takes you down into the valley and follows the varied banks of the Rom, often in the shade of the alluvial forest.
On the fun hike to the ruins of Schenkenberg Castle and over the Gisliflue, you'll enjoy many different panoramic views.
This stage offers a varied hike for adults and families with teenagers over the often wooded heights of the Argovian Jura. Well above the Aare Valley, you'll have to climb over two or three crests between four passes.
Let yourself be surprised when you walk along the Path of Sculptures between Lamboing and Mont-Sujet, where artistic stumps and a rock painting will guarantee an original hike.
This family hike will take you from les Prés-d’Orvin to the top of Chasseral along the ridges’ smooth slopes: the breath-taking view offers an amazing glance onto the Alps and then natural regional parc of the Ballons des Vosges.
This itinerary follows traces of water starting from Le Locle. The first stage will take you along the French-Swiss boarder across a narrow and wooded valley towards the beautiful Lac des Brenets and then to the blaring Saut du Doubs fall.
This second family-friendly stage will take you from Le Locle through the highlands towards the Ferme Modèle. You’ll then walk across the Pouillerel high plateau to La Chaux-de-Fonds, Le Corbusier’s hometown.
This stage will take you to the “Col des Mosses” on a leisurely and varied mountain path. Walk through the damp high plateau close to Monts Chevreuil and walk back down into the Sannetal.
This short family hike will take you from Rougemont with its abbey and chalets decorated with filigree, home of the Swiss cutting designs' founder to the hot air balloon village of Chateau d'Oex
Das Naturbad "Gwaage-Badi» ist das erste Bad im
Kanton Schaffhausen mit natürlicher Wasseraufbereitung.
The Jeizinen - Leuk - Sierre nature park trail combines everything that makes a nature park:
Exceptional landscapes, historic village centres and impressive views of the Rhone Valley.
From the Ofen Pass forests to the high alpine meadows with rich flora and fauna and magnificent views over half of the National Park. The nature trial provides interesting information about the open and hidden secrets of the trail.
Der Zugvogel «Husi» zeigt euch die Vielfalt der Natur im Solothurner Jura und führt euch zur Vogel-Beringungsstation Subigerberg. Husi der Hausrotschwanz, ein Zugvogel der im Mittelmeerraum überwintert, ist dabei immer an eurer Seite.
Der Naturlehrpfad in Schwarzenburg informiert anhand Schautafeln über Fauna und Flora im Waldstück.
Lernen Sie einheimische Gewächse und die Lebensräume verschiedener Tiergruppen kennen.
This multi-day e-bike and bike route is ideal for nature lovers who enjoy nature.
Jeweils am Sonntag mit toller Aussicht vom Brunnersberg zum Passwang wandern und dabei immer wieder an Bergrestaurants vorbeikommen - das ist die NaturparkBus Beizen-Tour.
The perfect Sunday walk – take the NaturparkBus from Balsthal up to the Brunnersberg (1118 m. a. s. l.) From there, you have a gentle hike to the Obere Tannmatt (1122 m. a. s. l.) and take the bus from there back down the valley.
Der Weg führt durch tiefe Schluchten. Mit Passerellen und in den Felsen gehauene Treppen sowie Leitern überwinden Sie die hohen Kalkfelsen. Nachdem Sie einige Weiden überquert haben, erreichen Sie die Krete des Chasserals sowie den Aussichtspunkt.
The trail leads from the village of Neirivue through fields and woods to the hamlet of Sciernes d'Albeuve and then descends again to Montbovon.
This circular hike takes you from Niederernen up to Wasen. It offers a beautiful loop through the enchanted forest to Seng and back to Niederernen. The tour can easily be undertaken using public transportation.
Visit the children's playground in Niedergampel together with your children. There you will find a slide, swings, a sandpit, spring-toys, a climbing frame and for the parents there are benches to sit down on and a table.
Hiking from the Niesen into the Diemtigtal, you have a magnificent view of Lake Thun and the Simmen and Diemtigtal valleys.
Spécialiste de la vente et de la location de matériel pour le ski de fond, la raquette à neige, la randonnée et le vélo électrique.
Oberems has also done something for families with children and made a picnic and children's playground on 2001 at Fenster 7, just above the village.
The Naturfreundehaus Gisliflue is a quietly situated house in a beautiful hiking, cycling and cross-country skiing area.
This rewarding tour leads through the home country of the Freiberger horses, to the small Jurassic town of Saignelégier. Here you can enjoy wide views over the extensive Jura pastures as well as the Franches-Montagnes district.
The route in and around the charming town of St-Ursanne in Canton Jura is a treat for history lovers. The captivating little town on the River Doubs has changed little over the centuries. It is impressive and well worth a visit.
Sportfachhandel. Verkauf und Reparatur von Fahrrädern.
The hike takes you through impressive river restoration, and in Sta. Maria you can discover the Mall mill and the hand weaving enterprise Tessanda and you can conclude with a visit to the museum in the UNESCO World Heritage St. Johann Monastery.
The Turtmann Valley: wild and romantic a testament to its glacier
Hardly anywhere else are the Schaffhausen cottage gardens so beautiful as in Osterfingen. Come into the pretty little village and admire the 20 lovingly designed gardens.
This mountain hike starts in Reckingen, through the Blinnental to Ärnergale, and continues to Mühlebach.
Über Felder und vorbei an kleinen Seen geht es von Thun via Bluemisteiwald hoch in Richtung Gurnigelpass und in die urtümliche Voralpenlandschaft des Naturpark Gantrisch. Über aussichtsreiche Singletrails führt die Route bis nach Zollhaus - anschl...
Vom tiefblauen Schwarzsee führt die Tour über den Pass La Balisa und wieder hinunter ins Greyerzerland. Nicht nur wechselt die Szenerie auf der Route, auch die Sprache wechselt auf Französisch.
The perfect route for an tour. Ride along the Valais language border and at the same time through diverse typical Valais villages such as Muras, Veyras and Miège. Enjoy the wonderful panorama over the valley.
A hiking tour to the Niesen summit with fantastic far-reaching views and optional overnight stay on Springenboden.
The chair lift brings you to the starting point of the panorama trail. You walk along the Val Tuors to Chants. You can return either by the Alpine bus or on foot.
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