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967 offers
Landschaftspark Binntal

Cultural trail in and around Grengiols (circular route)


Circular trail starting in beautiful Grengiols in the direction of Tulpenhügel. After a short hike, you reach Bächernhäusern and then return to the village.

Hiking trail
Time required: 45 minutesLength: 2.20km
Landschaftspark Binntal

Cultural trail in and around the village of Ernen


A village tour through the historic town of Ernen

Hiking trail
Time required: 50 minutesLength: 1.20km
Landschaftspark Binntal

Cultural trail Lax - Deisch - Grengiols railway station


Beautiful hike starting in Lax via Deisch to Grengiols

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 30 minutesLength: 4.30km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Cycling route: Gampel - Siders

Start with the cable car ride: Gampel - Jeizinen. From Jeizinen the route leads to Erschmatt and/or Feschel-Guttet. Between Leuk and Varen one crosses the Dala gorge. The descent goes directly down through Salquenen to the railway station at Sierre.

Bicycle tour
Time required: 2 hours 30 minutesLength: 30.00km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Dala Kultur Bike

The Dala Kultur Bike is the perfect tour for beginners. The route offers a combination of technically easy trails along with various natural and cultural sites.

Mountainbike trail
Time required: 1 hour 20 minutesLength: 14.10km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Dani Schniders Profi-Trainigsstrecke

Die absolute Lieblingsstrecke von Dani Schnider, mehrfacher Rad-Schweizermeister, ist keine einfache Sonntagsausfahrt, sondern eine Tour für Sportler, die die Herausforderung lieben.

Bicycle tour
Time required: 3 hours 30 minutesLength: 79.41km
Parc naturel régional Jura vaudois

Dent de Vaulion Bike

Loop linking Vallorbe to Premier, descent to Romainmôtier, ascent to Vaulion and back to Vallorbe by passing Dent de Vaulion.

Mountainbike trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 34.00km
Naturpark Thal

Detektiv-Trail Balsthal

Das Rätselerlebnis für Jung und Alt. Die Schatzsuche beginnt beim Bahnhof Balsthal, wo bereits das erste Rätsel wartet. Folgen dann den Rätselposten bis zur Schatztruhe am ende des Trails.

Theme trail
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 5.50km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Diemtigtal House Trail E-Bike Tour

An e-bike tour alongside magnificent Diemtigtal house facades. Discover and admire the beauty of traditional chalet architecture.

E-bike itinerary
Time required: 3 hoursLength: 43.08km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Diemtigtal House Trail «Front of the valley»

Thanks to far-sighted local planning, the municipality of Diemtigen has successfully preserved the character of the valley's settlements. The richly carved and painted façades on the House Trail «Front of the Valley» tell of times gone by.

Theme trail
Time required: 3 hoursLength: 9.08km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Diemtigtal House Trail «Middle of the valley»

Thanks to far-sighted local planning, the municipality of Diemtigen has successfully preserved the character of the valley's settlements. «The Middle of the valley» house trail takes you to the most magnificent witnesses in the centre of the v...

Theme trail
Time required: 3 hours 15 minutesLength: 10.20km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Diemtigtal House Trail «Rear of the valley»

The municipality of Diemtigen was awarded the Henri-Louis Wakker Prize by the Swiss Heritage Society 30 years ago for its building culture and planning. The «Rear of the valley» house trail takes you to the most magnificent contemporary witnesses ...

Theme trail
Time required: 3 hours 15 minutesLength: 11.18km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Diemtigtal Nature Park E-Bike Tour

An easy e-bike route through Diemtigen, a village of national importance with its church and bucolic centre. You will ride through beautiful landscapes, adorned with small villages and scattered houses (Wakker Prize 1986)

E-bike itinerary
Time required: 1 hour 30 minutesLength: 11.25km
Naturpark Gantrisch

Dorfrundgang im Vrenelidorf Guggisberg

Das Dorf vom Vreneli. Guggisberg ist voller Traditionen und Geschichten. Besuche den Dorfrundgang im “Vreneli-Dorf” und lerne vieles Neues. 

Theme trail
Time required: 1 hour
Naturpark Gantrisch

Dorfrundgang Schwarzenburg

Entdecke das Dorf Schwarzenburg mit seinen traditionellen Gebäude und interessanten Geschichten. Und das alles in eigener Geschwindigkeit. 

Theme trail
Time required: 1 hourLength: 2.13km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Downhill trail at the Wiriehorn area: Old T-Bar

The downhill course Old T-Bar is the medium difficulty downhill course in the HOT-TRAIL Bikepark Wiriehorn. It guarantees a lot of riding fun!

Mountainbike trail
Time required: 7 minutesLength: 2.14km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Downhill trail at the Wiriehorn area: Weryhorny

Weryhorny is the most challenging downhill course in the HOT-TRAIL Bikepark Wiriehorn. Downhill races are held on it every year.

Mountainbike trail
Time required: 10 minutesLength: 2.62km
Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen

Dreipärke Radtour West

The three parks bicycle tour (east and west) combines the three nature parks along the Hochrhein in a varied bicycle tour. Discover the variegated landscapes of the three regional nature parks; Klettgau, the Southern Black Forest and the Aargau Jura.

Bicycle tour
Time required: 8 hoursLength: 117.80km
Jurapark Aargau

Dreipärke-Radtour Ost

Rebberge mit wunderbarer Aussicht, romantische Altstädte und schöne Flussradwege erwarten Sie auf dem vielseitigen Ostteil der Route durch den Naturpark Südschwarzwald, den Regionalen Naturpark Schaffhausen und weiter dem Rhein entlang.

Bicycle tour
Time required: 6 hours 40 minutesLength: 91.06km
Jurapark Aargau

Dreipärke-Radtour West

Entdecken Sie die Etappe der neuen Dreipärke-Radtour durch den Jurapark Aargau! Auf der Strecke von Brugg bis Rheinfelden locken sanfte Hügel, schöne Aussichten, regionale Leckereien und Badespass.

Bicycle tour
Time required: 8 hours 32 minutesLength: 117.48km
Jurapark Aargau

Durch die Auenlandschaft von Aarau nach Biberstein

Wo sich Biber und Pirol gute Nacht sagen: eine Wanderung durch die selten gewordenen Flussauen der Aare. Direkt vor den Toren Aaraus wartet eine wunderschöne Naturlandschaft auf Sie.

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 9 minutesLength: 4.68km
Naturpark Thal

E-bike and Comb Factory

From Balstahl, bike up the Gross Brunnersberg where a stunning view awaits. Continue through the beautiful Guldental valley to Mümliswil. There you'll learn everything you need to know about hairstyles and combs in the HAARUNDKAMM museum.

E-bike itinerary
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 26.00km
Wildnispark Zürich Sihlwald

Ebertswil – Eschentobel – Ebertswil

Diese kurze Rundwanderung führt nach wenigen Schritten in den Naturwald Sihlwald zu wilden Tobeln, schmalen Pfaden und Waldflächen, die mit ihren dürren Totholzständern einen ersten Eindruck von der entstehenden Waldwildnis vermitteln.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 8.00km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges


The EGGUWEG will lead you to 17 interesting places (EGGU = corner, nook). Between the middle of May up to the end of October all are invited to follow the path and to learn facts about herbs and culture.

Theme trail
Time required: 2 - 4hLength: 2.80km
Jurapark Aargau

Eisenweg Wölflinswil-Herznach

Jahrhundertelang wurde zwischen Herznach und Wölflinswil Eisenerz abgebaut. Folgen Sie den Spuren der Mineure. Aber nicht nur Eisen liegt in der malerischen Juralandschaft: mit etwas Glück finden Sie am Wegrand Fossilien.

Theme trail
Time required: 1 hour 40 minutesLength: 6.18km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Emmen riverside path

This suggested part of the Emmen riverside path from Schüpfheim to Entlebuch is ideally suitable for a family walk. At every metre the river sounds a little different and cloaks the walker in gentle rapture.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 7.00km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Emmenuferweg Stage 1: Brienzer Rothorn – Sörenberg

The first leg of the Emmenuferweg is a place of wonder. The start on Brienzer Rothorn mountain is simply spectacular. Accompanied by amazing views of Lake Brienz and the Bernese Alps, the route leads to the source of the Emme river and enters the UNE...

Hiking trail
Time required: 3 hours 5 minutesLength: 9.62km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Emmenuferweg: Schüpfheim-Wolhusen

Die unberührte Flusslandschaft zwischen Entlebuch und Wolhusen gilt als Geheimtipp unter Naturbegeisterten. Die Wanderung führt durch ein geschütztes Auengebiet, wobei man immer wieder ans Ufer des wilden Flusslaufs der Kleinen Emme geführt wird.<...

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hours 30 minutesLength: 16.85km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Emmenuferweg: Sörenberg-Schüpfheim

Die zweite Etappe des Emmenuferweges ist zugleich die wildeste. Von Sörenberg schlängelt sich der Wanderweg entlang von tiefen Schluchten und hohen Felswänden hinunter ins Entlebucher Haupttal nach Schüpfheim.

Hiking trail
Time required: 5 hours 30 minutesLength: 18.64km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Emmenuferweg: Wolhusen-Emmenbrücke

Zu Beginn der Etappe erblickt man das über Werthenstein thronende Kloster. Von hier führt die Wanderung weitgehend eben dem schattigen Ufer der Kleinen Emme entlang und nähert sich langsam der Agglomeration der Stadt Luzern.

Hiking trail
Time required: 5 hoursLength: 19.49km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Energiespielplatz Entlebuch

Auf diesem Spielplatz können sich Kinder auf spielerische Weise mit den erneuerbaren Energien auseinander setzen und dabei selber Energiereserven einsetzen.

Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Enney – Charmey

Between two teeth and three valley

Hiking trail
Time required: 5 hours 25 minutesLength: 15.10km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Entlebuch Pass Tour


A demanding route over two passes in the Entlebuch.

E-bike itinerary
Time required: 9 hours 20 minutesLength: 113.69km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  



Auf den Spuren von Eremiten - Rundweg zwischen Gfellen und Alp Brüedere.

Theme trail
Time required: 1 hour 15 minutesLength: 3.71km
Landschaftspark Binntal

Ernen – Galgen – Mühlebach – suspension bridge – Ernen


This walk leads from the old village center of Ernen to the Mosshubel and then to Mühlebach. Via the old village center of Mühlebach and the panoramic trail, you return to Ernen. A detour to the suspension bridge is worthwhile.

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 15 minutesLength: 5.00km
Landschaftspark Binntal

Ernen – Goms Bridge – Gibelegga – Fiesch – Ernen


This short circular walk leads from Ernen Mühlebach across the suspension bridge to Fiesch. From there, it continues towards Niederernen and back to Ernen.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 30 minutesLength: 7.87km
Landschaftspark Binntal

Ernen – Kapellenweg – Uf en Egga – Ausserbinn


This hike takes us along the Chapel Trail to Uf en Egga. Enjoy the beautiful panoramic view over the Rhone Valley there. From there, it's all downhill towards Ausserbinn.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 13 minutesLength: 4.70km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Escholzmatt - Beichle - Flühli


Wer eine Wanderung inmitten der Natur sucht, ist bei dieser Route goldrichtig. Geniessen Sie die Ruhe auf dieser Wanderung durch blumige Alpwiesen, kühle Wälder und sumpfige Moorlandschaften.

Hiking trail
Time required: 5 hours 55 minutesLength: 15.99km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Estavannens - Grandvillard

The trail connects the two villages Estavannens and Grandvillard. In the latter the house of Banneret is located, which was built in 1666.

Theme trailHiking trailOther routes
Time required: 1 hourLength: 3.10km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

eTree Albinen

With the NatuReLL eTree, the ReLL AG offers a locally and sustainably produced solution for the loading of eBikes.

Infrastructure SummerE-Bike charging station
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

eTree Guttet-Feschel

With the NatuReLL eTree, the ReLL AG offers a locally and sustainably produced solution for the loading of eBikes.

Infrastructure SummerE-Bike charging station
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

eTree Inden

With the NatuReLL eTree, the ReLL AG offers a locally and sustainably produced solution for the loading of eBikes.

Infrastructure SummerE-Bike charging station
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

eTree Jeizinen

With the NatuReLL eTree, the ReLL AG offers a locally and sustainably produced solution for the loading of eBikes.

Infrastructure SummerE-Bike charging station
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

eTree Leuk-Stadt village-place

With the NatuReLL eTree, the ReLL AG offers a locally and sustainably produced solution for the loading of eBikes.

Infrastructure SummerE-Bike charging station
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

eTree Oberems

With the NatuReLL eTree, the ReLL AG offers a locally and sustainably produced solution for the loading of eBikes.

Infrastructure SummerE-Bike charging station
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

eTree Sportarena Leukerbad

With the NatuReLL eTree, the ReLL AG offers a locally and sustainably produced solution for the loading of eBikes.

Infrastructure SummerE-Bike charging station
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

eTree Staldenried

With the NatuReLL eTree, the ReLL AG offers a locally and sustainably produced solution for the loading of eBikes.

Infrastructure SummerE-Bike charging station
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

eTree Susten village-place

With the NatuReLL eTree, the ReLL AG offers a locally and sustainably produced solution for the loading of eBikes.

Infrastructure SummerE-Bike charging station
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

eTree Varen village-place

With the NatuReLL eTree, the ReLL AG offers a locally and sustainably produced solution for the loading of eBikes.

Infrastructure SummerE-Bike charging station
Jurapark Aargau

Evolutionspfad Kurzroute

Der Evolutionspfad führt von Zeiningen auf den Chriesibärg oberhalb Zuzgen. Dabei führt er durch eine Zeitreise von der Entstehung unseres Sonnensystems bis zum modernen Menschen.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 12 minutesLength: 3.77km