The CasaStorica, a former residential house in Andeer village centre is both a museum and a stage. The exhibition tells the stories of the Hinterrhein valleys along the historical transit route ViaSpluga in a clear and direct way.
The CasaStorica, a former residential house in Andeer village centre is both a museum and a stage. The exhibition tells the stories of the Hinterrhein valleys along the historical transit route ViaSpluga in a clear and direct way.
While strolling through the village of Les Avants, check out this small wooden chapel and the triptyque depicting the Virgin Mary and child surrounded by two angels, with the Dent de Jaman mountain as the backdrop.
Cerniat is a typical agricultural mountain village with scattered structures (farms). The village was partially reconstructed at the end of the 19th century : the school and hotel in Heimatstil style (multi-faceted roofs and outdoor mural paintings)....
Started in 1661, this symmetric, duplex chalet was completed in 1664. The south façade features rich carved and painted decoration. Finishing work (doors, windows, iron-work, pictorial decoration) followed and was completed in 1670.
Named for the Ma...
Das Chäppeli ist eine Kapelle aus dem Jahr 1463 mit einem einzigartigen Pyramidenturm, der ein schönes Fotomotiv abgibt.
Nesting in the center of the Jogne valley, Charmey is a subalpine village at about 900 meters elevation. Its population (more than 1800 people) is growing: its location is prized for its high quality of life. Living traditions, beautifully preserved...
In the Leuk-Stadt church there is a charnel house with a wall of skulls 20-metres long, which can be visited daily.
Die Chasa Jaura arbeitet eng mit der Lia Rumantscha zusammen, verbindet die kulturellen Kräfte der Val Müstair miteinander und baut Brücken zur Aussenwelt.
Das Chastè da Cultura im alten Schulhaus von Fuldera, Val Müstair, ist ein Ort der Kunst, Kultur und Begegnung.
Das Haus wird vom Verein Società Chastè da Cultura betrieben. Schwerpunkte bilden:
Château-d’Œx, with its double calling as a haven of agriculture and tourism, includes the villages and hamlets of Moulins, l’Etivaz, La Lécherette, Gérignoz, and Granges. Architectural gems dot the region: in town a group of marvelous stone buildings...
In the Jogne valley, at 900 meters altitude, Chatel-sur-Montsalvens enjoys an ideal geographical location, resting on the hillside like a balcony overlooking the valley and man-made lake of the same name. It also has an outstanding view of the Dent...
At Chaudanne Spring, water seems to emerge from the depths of the Earth. Water seeps into the ground on the east slope of the Vanils Range and joins an interminable underground network of subterranean galleries, only to reach the surface after trave...
Enjoy a fantastic 360° panorama from the Cheisacher tower situated at a height of almost 700 metres with a view of the Jura, the Alps and the nearby Schwarzwald. Treat yourself to a trip in the Frick valley.
Chessiloch waterfall & hanging bridge
An emotional and educational journey of more than 90 minutes, punctuated by screenings, demonstrations, unique interactive and sensory experiences and, of course, gourmet tastings.
Along the Chrüzweg you can enjoy a further view. Between the treetops below, you can see the alpine panorama and the view of the beginning of Klettgau again and again.
The parish church in Varen is not only architecturally interesting. Its location offers a unique viewing point. Enjoy the view from the church of the Rhone valley and the forest of Pfyn/Finges nature reserve.
The parish church of St.Georg was built by the famous Prismell master builder Ulrich Ruffener under Bishop Matthäus Schiner of Mühlebach. The magnificent Baroque high altar dates back to 1758-61.
Montheron Abbey is a historic place that awaits your visit. Noticed in 1135 already by the Cistercian monks who established their monastery at the edge of the Talent, this place on the western edge of the Jorat forest is very poetic.
The church of Notre-Dame in Bassins which lies on a crest over the Lake of Geneva, dates from the 11th century. The former Cluniac priory is an important monument.
The church of St. Martin in Zillis is also known as the "Sistine Chapel of the Alps" with its 12th century worldwide unique painted wooden ceiling and is one of the most important cultural assets in the Beverin Nature Park.
Following extensive restoration, the church in Clugin shines in new splendour. In no other church in the Schams region has the medieval decoration be so well-preserved as that in Clugin.
Despite the route's dangers and sometimes questionable condition, this path had two big advantages: it was the shortest route between the Pays-d’Enhaut, the Gruyères, and Léman (Lake Geneva), and it was passable almost year-round. It was also an imp...
Every variety of grape found in the Valais have been planted here on a single plot and labelled.
This collegiate church was built at the end of the XII century. It shows the transition between the late Romanesque style and the early Gothic style. To the North, the cloister dates back to 1380 and next to it is the stone museum.
This gorge in the Doubs valley is a magical place, where footbridges and ladders lead over rocks and unspoilt woods.
Built in 1897, the chapel is an example of neo-gothic architecture. Its decorative murals are of the same origin as it solid oak altar. The Virgin and Child still sit here today, surrounded by Saint Philomène and Saint Elisabeth.
Its dazzling colour, its secret life style and its rarity have made the common kingfisher famous.
The last 100 breeding pairs in Switzerland breed in near-natural river meadows of the Alps and Alpine foothills.
In the Anabaptist room of the Schleitheimertal Museum, you will find one of the four printed examples of the Schleitheim Confes- sion, which was composed in 1527 by Benedict monk, Michael Sattler, together with other Anabaptist leaders.
Crestawald Fortress Museum
Top secret for 60 years - today an impressive witness to Swiss military history.
This community is located on the slopes above Montslavens Lake, with an unobstructed view from its some 910 meters elevation. In the 17th century the village was completely destroyed by a fire. In 1667, the vicarage was the only building that escape...
This ice hole is 30 metres deep and there is a small glacier inside. The snow masses which accumulate here in winter turn to ice.
It is thanks to Jean-François Jaquet whose son miraculously survived an avalanche, that this chapel was constructed. The interior is decorated in immaculate neoclassic style. It evokes striped fabric with friezes and organic decoration and a faux arc...
Wie wird der Wein in Szene gesetzt, um das Interesse der Konsumenten-Betrachter zu wecken? Die Ausstellung wirft einen Blick auf die Art und Weise, wie die Walliser ihren Wein mittels Gegenständen, Szenerien und Veranstaltungen präsentieren.
A lake in summer - cross-country skiing in winter. There are also beautiful walks around the Dauben Lake. In winter you can do cross-country skiing or go for a beautiful winter walk.
Die, durch die Rheinkorrekturen von 1897 entstandenen Altläufe, Weiher und Kiesinseln, bilden nun das Auengebiet Alt Rhy (Alter Rhein). Am gegenüberliegenden Rheinufer erkennen Sie die Mündung der Thur in den Rhein.
Bei der Schönen von Bibern handelt es sich um eine äusserst schmackhafte Zwetschgensorte. Für diese wurde eigens eine Skulptur errichtet.
Der Lac de Joux im Herzen des Waadtländer Juras ist der grösste See des Juramassivs. Im Sommer zieht er Sportler und Naturliebhaber an, im Winter verwandelt er sich in nichts weniger als das grösste natürliche Eisfeld Europas.
The Diemtigtal (Diemtig valley) is mainly forested, whereupon the scenery is characterised by a mosaic of forests, meadows and pastures.
The village of Diemtigtal is proud of its status as «Site of national importance». The magnificent old farmhouses and the church characterise the whole valley and could certainly tell a few tales from history.
Die Ausstellung zeigt einen grossen Teil der reichen Vogelwelt des Naturparks Diemtigtal. Die Vögel wurden einem für sie typischen Lebensraum zugeordnet. Einen Besuch kannst du mit einem Spaziergang auf dem Vogelweg verbinden.
In the Frick Dinosaur museum in addition to a complete plateosaurus skeleton there is also a fossil predator dinosaur to be seen. An informative dinosaur nature trail takes you to the excavation area where you can excavate for fossils yourself.
Die Kapelle der Heiligen Familie steht am idyllischen Dorfplatz von Steinhaus und wurde um 1728 erbaut. Der buntbemalte Altar zeigt die Heilige Familie auf dem Tempelgang nach Jerusalem, begleitet von der Taube des Heiligen Geistes.
Als heimatkundliches Museum führt das Dorfmuseum Wiesen in die lokale Wohnkultur ein, vor allem in diejenige des 19. Jahrhunderts.
Ein Dorfmuseum der besonderen Art: In einem alten Bauernhaus erinnern originalgetreu eingerichtete Räume an das Leben aus längst vergangenen Zeiten.
Among all the insects that enliven the ponds and channels in the Pfyn forest, the dragonflies are definitely the most elegant and easiest to observe. There are two types of dragonfly in the forest: The small dragonfly and the large dragonfly.
Alors que le clocher actuel date, à la base, de 1673, l'église fut reconstruite à plusieurs reprises. Elle fut rebâtie une première fois en 1567, puis de 1735 à 1739 et consacrée en 1738 par Monseigneur Duding qui la dédie à Saint Laurent. Des modif...
This architectural gem is tucked into the Coumatta forest. The forest has been protected from logging since the 17th century because of its role stabilizing the land and protecting against avalanches. The church, in its current form, dates to 1589, ...
Rougemont's Saint-Nicolas Church was built by Cluny monks in the late 11th century. The church's architecture has elements of Romanesque architecture (classical model Cluny Latin cross), as well as the Reformation and the Bernese presence (shortened...
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