La Pierre aux Clercs
This border is still lined by agricultural exploitations. The vaudois and fribourgeois pastures are still clearly outlined by ancient stone walls and fences.
This border is still lined by agricultural exploitations. The vaudois and fribourgeois pastures are still clearly outlined by ancient stone walls and fences.
Located in the Prealps, south of Château-d'Œx on the left bank of the Sarine river, La Pierreuse reserve encompasses 34 square kilometers of mid-mountain terrain. It extends from the Gummfluh mountain range to the Pic Chaussy range. La Pierreuse is ...
Verlassene ehemalige Siedlung bei Rossa.
La Tine Bridge was built in 1785. Its twin arches over the Sarine connect local hamlets to the chemin royal (royal path) that Leurs Excellences de Berne (the excellencies of Bern) had built in 1748. Today, the bridge is located in the main artery of ...
La Tour de l’horloge de la Rippe fut construite en 1844 et inaugurée en 1845. Cet édifice a servi de nombreuses causes, telles qu’un abattoir communal ou un local des pompiers & voirie.
La Valsainte is tucked into the Javro Valley, in the municipality of Cerniat.
The Valsainte was founded in 1294, following a donation from Girard 1st of Corbières. Until the 16th century, only the church was of solid stone construction. The conventua...
A few minutes from the centre of Sierre, the Lac de Géronde is a peaceful haven, enjoyed by swimmers and walkers alike.
Der Lai da Palpuogna ist mit seinem glasklaren Wasser und dem Lärchenwald eine Oase der Erholung. Verweilen Sie auf einem der Picknickplätze mit Feuerstelle. Sie erreichen den "schönsten Fleck der Schweiz" ab der Bahnstation Preda.
Lake Seeberg in Spillgerten nature reserve and Blauseeli, the Blue Lake in the Senggiweid are typical mountain lakes with clear, cold water and are very popular day-trip destinations. Their underground inlets and outlets are puzzling..
The Lämmeren area offers its visitors a unique, beautiful mountain world in the middle of the Wildstrubel area.
Das Landwasserviadukt ist das grösste und spektakulärste Brückenbauwerk der RhB und gehört seit 2008 zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe. Die Brücke unweit von Filisur ist der Endpunkt des Bahnerlebnisweges.
Latsch ist ein Strassendorf mit Häusern im Engadiner Baustil mit Sgraffiti und bemalten Fassaden.
It is known as the Belluard (meaning boulevard) passageway and fortifications. Two Gruérien warriors are depicted on the fortified gate. These warriors, Claremboz et Bras de Fer ("Iron Arms"), fought off the first assault of the Oberland Everdes war ...
On peut admirer sur les tombes du cimetière de Jaun des sculptures rendant hommage au défunt en le présentant dans des aspects de sa vie. Il s’agit là d’un exemple visible de la commémoration rendue aux défunts.
Ailleurs dans le canton, le 1er novemb...
The Grand Chalet, formerly the Grande Maison, was built in 1754 for two families. On the lower ground floor an immense cheese cellar can be found. Jean-David Henchoz, the general contractor, attempted to make this a cheese commerce center. From 185...
Découvrez l'histoire du moulin-scierie de Saint-George et de ses exploitants.
Tauchen Sie im Legionärspfad Vindonissa in die Welt des einzigen römischen Legionslagers der Schweiz ein: Der Römer-Erlebnispark bietet Touren, römische Übernachtungen, Führungen, Events und vieles mehr.
Les Avants developed a notable hotel industry starting the middle of the 19th century with the arrival of public transportation. The village has a unique regional architecture. In Sonloup, the funicular (built in 1911), with its distinctive red cars,...
Situés à 900 m d'altitude, les Bains entourés d'un panorama exceptionnel, les Bains offrent une vue splendide sur les Préalpes fribourgeoises.
Close to the nature reserve « l’Etang de la Gruère », Les Cerlatez Nature Centre has the objective to raise awareness on environmental issues. Located in the heart of the Franches-Montagnes, it offers an array of guided tours, exhibitions and hikes.
Its buildings feature carved corbels which support their awnings. Following this tradition, carpenter Moïse Henchoz built the former inn, Lion-d’Or.
Le lieu-dit Les Planches, qui signifie replat, se situe à la limite entre la commune de Crésuz de celle de Val de Charmey. Situé à plus de 1000m d’altitude, ce tracé historique (IVS d’importance régional) constituait jusqu’à la deuxième moitié du 19è...
The village of Lessoc is in the federal inventory of sites of national importance. It is made up of a dense network of houses and farms from the golden age of Gruyère, with strong presence of late gothic decor (window and door frames) modeled after t...
On the old stone path linking the village of Lessoc to Montbovon, sits the most complete, well-preserved wood covered-bridge in the canton of Fribourg. The construction date is carved into the oak crossbar on the right bank: 1667.
The fountain consists of an octagonal limestone basin with a central pillar holding an obelisk. It was built in 1796 by the mason, Jacques Vicarino and the blacksmith, Noé Both. Its eight-sided dome is said to be in imperial style. It was a gift fro...
At Leuk railway station, a near-natural place has been designed with interactive elements. Waiting passengers can relax in the newly designed area and learn more about the Nature Park Municipality of Leuk.
For the bishops this was the summer residence - for rogues and criminals it was dungeons and the torture chamber: the bishop's castle or "rogues' tower".
Leuk has one of the most interesting and historic townscapes in the whole of Valais. Even today there is a medieval atmosphere that can be felt in the alleys and squares of this little town
The distinctive corpus of the Town Hall tower with its pentagonal base is situated at the entrance to the town in the immediate vicinity of the bishop's castle.
The mighty 800 year old Linn lime tree is one of the oldest trees in Switzerland. It lies directly at the entrance to the village and is not only a viewpoint and popular photo subject, but also the starting point for various walks.
The little ringed plover sometimes tramples vigorously on the sand or mud in order to flush out prey from their hiding places.
Ms. Patrizia Dea Alvino is the accountable manager since 2014, contact: +41 79 541 46 36 and Mr. Walter Hildbrand is responsible as herd protection expert. Visits upon request.
As a source of passion, watches have a number of secrets to reveal. They are part of Switzerland’s and the Jura arc’s identity. The Centre interrégional de perfectionnement (CIP) in Tramelan and the Chasseral Nature Park invites you to discover watch...
In Hellikon zeugen zwei rund 20 Meter tiefe Löcher von spannenden geologischen Prozessen.
Am Hammerrain, der Steilstufe zwischen Herbetswil und Welschenrohr, liegt direkt an der Dünnern die alte Mühle, genannt Lochmühle. Das um 1850 neu aufgebaute Gebäude steht unter Heimatschutz.
Begeben Sie sich im Weinbaudorf Löhningen auf die Suche nach der einzigen noch erhaltenen Haltestelle der Strassenbahn und bestaunen Sie in der Spitaltrotte die aus dem Jahr 1713 stammende, noch funktionstüchtige Weinpresse.
Lü is the smallest village of the Val Müstair municipality. Lying on a sloping terrace over the valley, Lü offers ideal conditions for sun enthusiasts. In Lü the sun still shines when it has long disappeared in other parts...
Die Ludothek steht allen interessierten Kinder, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen zur Benützung offen. Es stehen zirka 800 Artikel zur Ausleihe zur Verfügung.
The wood buildings of L’Etivaz, some of which date to the 16th century, bare witness to a rich architectural heritage. Spreading over 7 km in the Torneresse valley, you will find this charming hamlet of very old homes, in a pastoral setting.
The h...
Die beiden Brücken zwischen Schwarzenburg und Hinterfultigen sind ein weltbekanntes Ziel für Architekt:innen und Liebhaber:innen.
The mill originates from the 17th century and has been carefully restored. The name is that of the last miller who operated the mill until shortly after the 2nd World War. Today it again works perfectly. See for yourself!
The walk to Manibode takes 2 h 30 and lies on the route to the Geisspfad (goat's trail).
Sehenswert sind der reich verzierte Taufstein von 1688 und die drei Chorfenster von Felix Hoffmann von 1967.
In the Matzendorf Museum of Ceramics, you can discover the exciting background to the ceramics industry in Thal and see a unique collection of historic crockery. “Rössler” porcelain, antique beard bowls, special modern exhibitions... Why not take a l
Mineral museum owned by the crystal searcher André Gorsatt in the hamlet of Fäld at the mineral shop.
The mining museum imparts impressions from the days when the mines were in operation. Information is given about ore mining, transportation and former iron, copper, lead and silver smelting and about the smelting plants.
Cited as early as 1255, Montbovon has long been a busy crossroads. Located along the Sarine, it is the junction of the roads of three worlds: the Gruyère, the Pays-d’Enhaut, and the Lake Geneva basin. This crossroads is also emphasized by the meetin...
First mentioned in the 12th century, all that's left of Montsalvens Castle today is its tower, which was built around 1260. The site was restored in 1671 but was abandoned soon after.
This dam, located along the Jogne river, is responsible for Montsalvens lake. Built between 1918 and 1921 by engineer Heinrich Eduard Gruner, it was the first arch dam in Europe with both horizontal et vertical curves. 52m high and 110m long, its con...
For example, listen to the sounds of the moorland with its flora and fauna. Follow the tracks of the wolf and the fox, or just unwind on our hanging chairs in the middle of nature.
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