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494 offers
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Le Col des Mosses – Rossinière

From the Col des Mosses, the hiking trail cross over streams and through forests to Les Monts Chevreuils. Along the way there are several breathtaking views, such as the Sarine Valley, Château-d’Œx and Les Vanils mountain range.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hours 45 minutesLength: 15.50km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Leisure walk, Pays-d'Enhaut

Discover the Pays-d'Enhaut (highlands) between the village of Rossinière and the hamlet of Les Combes. Take advantage of your trip in the Nature Park to familiarise yourself with the typical gastronomy in one of the restaurants known for their region

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 - 4hLength: 10.50km
Parc du Doubs

Les Bois – Doubs – La Ferrière

The walk between Les Bois and La Ferrière offers a magnificent panorama over the Doubs valley, the lake and the gorge in Biaufond (Combe de Biaufond)) and also the little lake of Cul-des-Prés. Pamper yourself with the Jurassic cuisine.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 12.00km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Les Combes – Château-d’Œx

Partially open

Starting in Les Combes, the trail leads over meadows and pastures down to the Saane river and crosses it. The trial then goes over an old suspension bridge before one arrives in the village centre of Château-d'Oex.

Theme trailHiking trailOther routes
Time required: 1 hour 15 minutesLength: 4.80km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Les Granges-Gérignoz – L'Etivaz

La Pierreuse, green pastures, and limestone slopes

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hours 45 minutesLength: 10.60km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Les Moulins - Rossinière

The walk goes over pastures on the floor of Les Moulins valley to the bank of the River Saane. It continues to the old transit road, that in former day connected the Riviera or the Gruyère country with the Pays-d’Enhaut and Saanenland.

Theme trailHiking trailOther routes
Time required: 1 hour 15 minutesLength: 4.80km
Parc régional Chasseral

Les Prés-d'Orvin – Chasseral

A relatively gentle but continuous uphill hike from Les Prés-d'Orvin to the summit of the Chasseral following the ridge and through typical forests and wooded pastures. Panoramic views, alpine flora and the Chasseral antenna are on the menu.

Hiking trail
Time required: 3 hours 30 minutesLength: 12.00km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Lessoc - Montbovon

Starting at the Lessoc well (1796), whose cupola was a gift of a cheese merchant from Lyon, the trail leads to Montbovon.

Theme trailHiking trailOther routes
Time required: 1 hourLength: 3.40km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Leukerbad - Gemmi Pass

The mule track was constructed by the Tyroleans in 1739/41 and leads through the Daubenwand, which even today seems insurmountable, and up to the Gemmi Pass. With a bit of luck you might see bearded vultures.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 - 4hLength: 4.70km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Leukerfeld, Feschelloch

Pleasant pine and mixed deciduous and coniferous grove and the hidden Feschelloch

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: < 2h
Jurapark Aargau

Mandacher Bänklirundweg

Zweistündiger Rundweg um Mandach mit herrlichen Aussichten und Bänkli zum Verweilen.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 26 minutesLength: 9.48km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Marbachegg - Bumbach - Marbach

Wanderung mit phänomenaler Aussicht auf die Schrattenfluh, den Hohgant und die Berner Alpen.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 13.97km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Marbachegg - Hürnli - Marbach

Panoramic hike from the sunny terrace Marbachegg via Hünrli to the village of Marbach.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hours 30 minutesLength: 14.59km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Marbachegg - Kemmeriboden

A panoramic walk featuring both views and a sweet reward!

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 35 minutesLength: 8.14km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Marbacher Genusstour

Auf dieser gemütlichen Tour besuchen Sie die Lourdes Grotte, erfreuen sich an verschiedenen, regionalen Köstlichkeiten und geniessen zum Abschluss den atemberaubenden Ausblick von der Marbachegg.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 25 minutesLength: 5.32km
Jurapark Aargau

Martinsweg: Kulturweg auf dem Wittnauer Buschberg

Eine historische, spirituelle, sagenhafte Wanderung. Für alle Religions-, Kultur und Geschichtsinteressierten ist der Martinsweg mit seinen Sagen und Geschichten fast ein Muss.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 25 minutesLength: 8.37km
Biosfera Val Müstair

Militärhistorische Wanderung

Auf der geführten Wanderung in einer grandiosen Bergwelt die Hintergründe der tragischen Begegnungen dreier Nationen im Grenzgebiet Schweiz/Italien/Österreich auf dem Umbrailpass/Stilfserjoch erleben.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 10.00km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Mittelberg – Gastlosen Express

Du versant bernois au versant fribourgeois des Gastlosen

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 45 minutesLength: 7.60km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Moléson – Neirivue

Between Gruyères and Intyamon

Hiking trail
Time required: 3 hours 25 minutesLength: 10.80km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Mollens - Varen

The funicular railway takes us from Sierre to Montana and there we take the bus to Aminona. After a surprise by the Raspille we continue to Cordona. Finally we follow the big water canal as far as Varen.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 - 6hLength: 11.00km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Montbovon - Allières

From Montbovon the trail ascends on the left side of the valley into a pretty little valley. This historical trail leads as far as the Pont du Pontet, one of the oldest bridges in the Canton of Freiburg (17th century).

Theme trailHiking trailOther routes
Time required: 1 hour 30 minutesLength: 4.20km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Montbovon – Bounavau

Walk through the undulating, wooded countryside of the Intyamon, with some wonderful features including a covered bridge, the village of Lessoc and its famous fountain, the waterfall and grotto in Grandvillard.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hours 30 minutesLength: 13.00km
Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Montbovon – Enney

A journey through a peaceful valley

Hiking trail
Time required: 3 hours 35 minutesLength: 13.60km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Moorlandschaftspfad Etappe 1: Habkern / Sörenberg

Die erste Etappe des Moorlandschaftpfades überrascht mit scharfen Kontakst zwischen dem kantigem Schrattenfels und dem weichem Moorboden.

Hiking trail
Time required: 5 hours 30 minutesLength: 16.76km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Moorlandschaftspfad Etappe 2: Hilferepass

Auf der anderen Seite der Schrattenfluh geht es zurück nach Flühli. Unterwegs werden Sie sogar auf dem Pass mit einem Moor überrascht.

Hiking trail
Time required: 6 hoursLength: 24.30km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Moorlandschaftspfad Etappe 3: Klein Entlen

Vielfältige Tagestour mit einer grossen Anzahl an Mooren und knackigen Aufstiegen.

Hiking trail
Time required: 7 hours 10 minutesLength: 21.36km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Moorlandschaftspfad Etappe 4: Moorlandschaft Glaubenberg

Tageswanderung in wilder Landschaft mit Schluchten und Bergsturzgebieten über die Wasserfallenegg.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hours 50 minutesLength: 13.93km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Moorlandschaftspfad Etappe 5: Moorlandschaft Glaubenberg

Die sehr lange Tageswanderung führt Sie über Hagleren (Naturschutzgebiet), den höchsten Aussichtspunkt, über Pfade in wilder und urtümlicher Landschaft.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hours 40 minutesLength: 12.43km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Mountain Drive: Long wheelchair tour around Grimmialp

The long Mountain Drive loop around Grimmialp is for those who have a good grip on the wheelchair and dare to take a longer tour with lots of natural roads. 

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 30 minutesLength: 6.32km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Mountain Drive: Medium wheelchair tour with lake "Blauseeli"

The medium mountain drive tour suits you well if you already have some experience with a mountain drive wheelchair. The tour takes you around Grimmialp to the most beautiful points.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 5.85km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Mountain Drive: Short wheelchair beginners' tour Grimmialp

The short beginner's tour on the Grimmialp is just the right thing to test the unfamiliar Mountain Drive vehicle and get a feel for riding off-road. 

Hiking trail
Time required: 30 minutesLength: 1.74km
Landschaftspark Binntal

Mühlebach - Chäserstatt


Diese Bergwanderung startet in Mühlebach. Wir steigen bergan und bewundern das historische Dorf. Aufstieg auf dem Wanderweg durch den Wald zur Chäserstatt. Abstieg auf sanft absteigenden Weg ins Moos und zurück nach Mühlebach.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 6.50km
Landschaftspark Binntal

Mühlebach cultural trail


Short circular hike through the idyllic village of Mühlebach

Hiking trail
Time required: 40 minutesLength: 1.50km
Landschaftspark Binntal

Mühlebach – Steinhaus – Niederwald


From Mühlebach, you first descend below the road towards Steinhaus. Short sections also need to be covered on the road. Near Steinhaus, a bridge is crossed, and from there, the journey continues to Niederwald.

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 30 minutesLength: 4.80km
Landschaftspark Binntal

Mühlebach – Trusera – Wasen


The hike begins in the village of Mühlebach and first ascends steeply until reaching the water conduit Trusera. The path then follows the water conduit to the Binnachra, and from there descends again to the Wasen.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 45 minutesLength: 4.50km
Parco Val Calanca

Mulattiera da Arvigo a Braggio

Via storica d'importanza nazionale che collega Arvigo a Braggio

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hourLength: 2.90km
Parco Val Calanca

Mulattiera da Selma a Landarenca

Via storica d'importanza nazionale che collega Selma a Landarenca

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hourLength: 2.20km
Jurapark Aargau

Musikweg Unteres Fricktal

Erleben Sie Musik in der freien Natur - auf dem Musikweg im Unteren Fricktal.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 6 hours 30 minutesLength: 24.54km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark


Unsere Kinder- und Familienexkursionen bieten wir von Anfang Juli bis Mitte August jeweils am Mittwochvormittag an. Neben der Wahrnehmung der Natur mit allen Sinnen stehen der spie­le­r­ische Zugang zu Pflanzen und Tieren im Vordergrund.

Hiking trail
Time required: 3 hoursLength: 4.00km
Jurapark Aargau

Natur- und Kulturweg Linn

Wandern Sie auf dem Natur- und Kulturweg von der Linner Linde ins Sagimülitäli und erleben Sie die Jurapark-Landschaft. 

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 2 minutesLength: 3.87km
Parc Ela

Natura Trail - Parc Ela 1

Between the valley and the gorges, the path winds between the road and the engineering structures of the railway line, which regularly disappears into a tunnel.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 hours 45 minutesLength: 16.50km
Parc Ela

Natura Trail - Parc Ela 2

With a close-up view of the Landwasser viaduct, the second stage takes you to the shady bank of the Albula and down into the valley.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 hours 15 minutesLength: 14.60km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Natura Trail - Pfyn-Finges 1

The first stage starts well above the Rhone Valley and takes you down to the bottom of the valley with magnificent views over the sunny terraces.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 3 hoursLength: 9.90km
Naturpark Pfyn-Finges

Natura Trail - Pfyn-Finges 2

The second stage takes you to wine-growing villages through the Mediterranean vineyard.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 14.30km
Biosfera Val Müstair

Natura Trail - Val Müstair 1

The first stage crosses gently the mountain pastures and the mountain forest that overlooks the left side of the valley.

Theme trailHiking trail
Biosfera Val Müstair

Natura Trail - Val Müstair 2

The second stage takes you down into the valley and follows the varied banks of the Rom, often in the shade of the alluvial forest.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 3 hoursLength: 11.40km
Jurapark Aargau

Natura Trail Argovian Jura 1

On the fun hike to the ruins of Schenkenberg Castle and over the Gisliflue, you'll enjoy many different panoramic views.

Hiking trail
Time required: 5 hours 16 minutesLength: 18.45km
Jurapark Aargau

Natura Trail Argovian Jura 2

This stage offers a varied hike for adults and families with teenagers over the often wooded heights of the Argovian Jura. Well above the Aare Valley, you'll have to climb over two or three crests between four passes.

Hiking trail
Time required: 6 hours 12 minutesLength: 19.71km
Parc régional Chasseral

Natura Trail Chasseral - 1

Let yourself be surprised when you walk along the Path of Sculptures between Lamboing and Mont-Sujet, where artistic stumps and a rock painting will guarantee an original hike.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 8.30km
Parc régional Chasseral

Natura Trail Chasseral - 2

This family hike will take you from les Prés-d’Orvin to the top of Chasseral along the ridges’ smooth slopes: the breath-taking view offers an amazing glance onto the Alps and then natural regional parc of the Ballons des Vosges.

Theme trailHiking trail
Time required: 8 hoursLength: 16.00km