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178 offers
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Round walk to the Schwandalpweiher Kneipp facility in Flühli

A walk to the Kneipp hydrotherapy facility above Flühli village with great views of the village and the Schwändelifluh. Only part of it is available in winter.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 1 hour 30 minutesLength: 4.28km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Gastronomic winter circular hike Sörenberg


This culinary tour takes you through the beautiful winter wonderland of Sörenberg. Four culinary breaks will sweeten your winter hike through the snow-covered moorland.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 2 hours 20 minutesLength: 8.70km
Naturpark Gantrisch

Schwarzenbühl Panorama Trail (SwitzerlandMobility 112)

The snow-covered landscape around the Pfyffe and the Gägger offers ideal conditions for snowshoe walkers. The marked circular trail in the shape of a figure of eight can be followed in all directions.

Snowshoe route
Time required: 1 hour 40 minutesLength: 3.89km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Loipe Escholzmatt-Wiggen


Glückliches Schnaufen auf der Langlaufloipe Escholzmatt-Wiggen.

Loipenbericht Bergfex

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 42 minutesLength: 3.31km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Schneeschuhtrail Marbachegg-Marbach


Glitzernde Schneelandschaften und das herrliche Panorama mit Schrattenfluh, Hohgant & Eiger geniessen.

Snowshoe route
Time required: 1 hour 40 minutesLength: 3.84km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Schneeschuhtrail Golfplatz Flühli - Sörenberg


Die Schneeschuhtour über den Golfplatz und die verschneite Moorlandschaft bei Gloggmatt führt Sie über den Birkenhof nach Sörenberg.

Snowshoe route
Time required: 2 hours 30 minutesLength: 6.60km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Tiermatti cross-country ski trail

The cross-country ski trails in the Diemtigtal lead you through forests, along icy mountain streams and over snow-covered mats on 22 kilometres of classic and skating trails.

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 1 hourLength: 7.98km
Naturpark Gantrisch

Gantrisch-Königsloipe (SwitzerlandMobility 140)

The Königsloipe is a 14 km long circular trail along the main network of the Gantrisch Cross-Country Centre. The Königsloipe is accessible from all main access points.

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 2 hours 35 minutesLength: 11.05km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Rundloipe Camping-Marbach


Schöne Rundloipe entlang des Schonbachs Richtung Marbach und zurück.

Loipenbericht Bergfex

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 1 hour 17 minutesLength: 6.05km
Naturpark Gantrisch

Obergurnigel Trail (SwitzerlandMobility 114)

The scenic trail connects the Gurnigelpass with the historic Gurnigelbad. The ridge hike on the Obere Gurnigel offers magnificent distant views in the direction of the Bernese Oberland, the Mittelland and back to the Gantrisch chain.

Snowshoe route
Time required: 2 hours 45 minutesLength: 6.48km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Winterwanderung Rossweid - Schwarzenegg - Rossweid in Sörenberg

Wandern Sie zur Sonnenterrasse der Skihütte Schwarzenegg und geniessen Sie ein feines Mittagessen.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 1 hourLength: 2.36km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Winterwanderung Gassenegg retour

Eine kurze Winterwanderung für alle, die die Aussicht einer langen Tour bevorzugen. Mit grossartigem Weitblick von der Marbachegg.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 36 minutesLength: 2.00km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Springenboden winter hiking trail

The winter hiking trail leads you through forests and pastures covered deep in snow, high above the valley floor of the Diemtigtal Nature Park and offers you impressive views.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 2 hours 30 minutesLength: 6.93km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Schneeschuhtrail Dorf Marbach


Durch das idyllische Dorf Marbach wandern.

Snowshoe route
Time required: 1 hour 29 minutesLength: 3.70km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Winter Walk Geissboden-Schlunegg-Cemetery-Geissboden

Short, half-hour loop in Schwenden: The easy circular trail is just the thing for a short break in winter.  

Winter hiking path
Time required: 30 minutesLength: 1.72km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Winterwanderung Finsterwald-Wissenegg

Die aussichtsreiche Winterwanderung im sonnenverwöhnten Finsterwald ist perfekt für alle, die die Ruhe inmitten der Natur suchen.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 1 hour 22 minutesLength: 5.05km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Winterwanderung Rund um den Golfplatz in Flühli

Die gemütliche Wanderung führt Sie über den Golfplatz in Flühli.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 45 minutesLength: 2.31km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Cross-country trail Wissenegg


The Finsterwald cross-country trails above the Entlebuch rank amongst the most scenic in Switzerland. The Wissenegg trail passes through a varied forest and moorland area within the boundary of the UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch.

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 2 hours 32 minutesLength: 9.97km
Naturpark Gantrisch

Winter hike Selibüel (SwitzerlandMobility 671)

An easy circular hike with views of the Gantrisch range, Lake Thun and the ice giants of the Bernese Oberland.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 1 hourLength: 3.05km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Langlaufloipe Thorbachmatte


Klein und fein - freuen Sie sich auf ein besonderes Bijou in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch. Flühli ermöglicht Ein- und Ausblicke der ganz besonderen Art und bietet ein vielfältiges Wintersportangebot für Gross und Klein.

Cross-country ski route

UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Winterwanderung zum Birkenhof in Sörenberg

Geniessen Sie den Spaziergang zum Birkenhof und besuchen Sie das "Hoflädeli" mit hofeigenen Produkten.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 45 minutesLength: 2.59km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Winterwanderung Marbachegg-Marbach

Winterwanderung mit Start auf der Sonnenterrasse Marbachegg.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 2 hours 35 minutesLength: 9.34km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Wiriehorn snowshoe trail

The tour takes you from the Wiriehorn mountain station to Tubefärich: an ideal tour to leave everyday life far behind and enjoy nature to the full.

Snowshoe route
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 3.30km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Rundloipe Marbach-Wald


Eine schöne Rundloipe in Marbach durch abwechslungsreiches Gelände mit anspruchsvollen Aufstiegen und Abfahrten.

Loipenbericht Bergfex

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 52 minutesLength: 3.62km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Dorfrundloipe Marbach

Das idyllische Dorf Marbach in der UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch ist genau der richtige Ort, um der Hektik zu entfliehen.

Loipenbericht Bergfex

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 1 hour 10 minutesLength: 4.27km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Winterwanderung zur Talstation Luftseilbahn Brienzer Rothorn

Gemütliche Winterwanderung vom Dorfzentrum Sörenberg zur Luftseilbahn Brienzer Rothorn.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 56 minutesLength: 3.19km
Naturpark Gantrisch

Winter hike Guggisberg

This circular hike leads from Riffenmatt, the crossroads, around the Schwendelberg and through the legendary village of Guggisberg.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 1 hour 40 minutesLength: 6.26km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Marbachegg–Kreuzegg Trail


On this trail you can enjoy the idyllic landscape and peace, far away from mass tourism. One thing is for sure: you will always see the breathtaking panorama. Between Schibegütsch and Hohgant, the view opens up to the Bernese High Alps with Schreckho...

Snowshoe route
Time required: 3 hours 10 minutesLength: 6.77km
Naturpark Gantrisch

Lake Schwarzsee circular route (SwitzerlandMobility 787)

The winter hike along the Schwarzsee is a beautiful and easy circular route. You can forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life in a relaxed atmosphere.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 1 hourLength: 4.12km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Panoramic round walk in Sörenberg

Enjoy this straightforward walk on the sunny side of Sörenberg with its glorious views of the village and surrounding mountains.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 1 hour 15 minutesLength: 3.70km
Naturpark Gantrisch

Selibüel Panorama Trail (SwitzerlandMobility 113)

The Gantrisch Panoramatrail is a snowshoe tour around the Selibühl panoramic summit. It impresses with a fantastic 360° panoramic view from the summit and plenty of nature.

Snowshoe route
Time required: 1 hour 40 minutesLength: 4.32km
Naturpark Gantrisch

Riggisalp Trail (SwitzerlandMobility 285)

Although located in the foothills of the Alps, the Riggisalp snowshoe tour gives you the feeling that you are travelling in high alpine regions. This is because the tour is framed by the two mighty Schwarzsee-Haus mountains: Kaiseregg and Spitzflu...

Snowshoe route
Time required: 1 hour 55 minutesLength: 4.04km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Loipe Wiggen-Längmatten retour


Langlaufloipe für Geniesser und Anfänger am Waldrand und entlang der Ilfis.

Loipenbericht Bergfex

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 1 hour 44 minutesLength: 4.49km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Loipe Wiggen-Camping


Eine schöne Loipe parallel zur Ilfis und durch schöne Waldabschnitte.

Loipenbericht Bergfex

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 42 minutesLength: 2.90km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Loipe Nesslebrunnebode


Die Loipen Finsterwald oberhalb von Entlebuch gehören zu den schönsten in der Zentralschweiz.

Loipenbericht Bergfex

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 51 minutesLength: 3.61km
Landschaftspark Binntal

Trusera Trail


The start panel is located in Ernen near the bus stop (Wasen/Zauberwald).
From there, you walk up to Binnegga. After a short rest in Binnegga, you go down to the Trusera irrigation channel.

Snowshoe route
Time required: 1 hour 30 minutesLength: 2.50km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Winterwanderung zum Glaubenbielenpass in Sörenberg

Im Winter, wenn die Panoramastrasse auf dem Glaubenbielenpass gesperrt ist, erlebt man hier Natur pur. Der Blick auf die Rothorn-Kette und die Spuren von Wildtieren im Schnee lassen einen den Alltag vergessen. Spannend auch: Das Bergsturzgebiet, d...

Winter hiking path
Time required: 2 hours 50 minutesLength: 9.62km
Landschaftspark Binntal

Alp Trail


Snowshoe tour: The Alp Trail starts at Ernen and takes you along a route next to the sports hall in a westerly direction across a meadow. After a few hundred metres on the road, Binntalstrasse, the trail then leads through the forest.

Snowshoe route
Time required: 5 hoursLength: 8.00km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Loipe Marbach-Schärlig retour


Langlaufen von Marbach zum Schärlig, mit einer anspruchsvolle Abfahrt bei der Rückfahrt.

Loipenbericht Bergfex

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 1 hour 43 minutesLength: 7.14km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Loipe Dorf Sörenberg


Abwechslungsreiche Loipe mitten im Schneesportort Sörenberg.

Loipenbericht Bergfex

Cross-country ski route
Time required: 1 hour 44 minutesLength: 6.79km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Grimmialp winter hiking trail

An easy trail leads from Senggiweid to the unspoilt Blauseeli and on around the village of Schwenden. Enjoy the beautiful view of the mountain village at the back of the Diemtigtal.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 1 hourLength: 3.55km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Hirsegg - Schlund - Hengst auf der Schrattenfluh


Die einfache Skitour über die Schrattenfluh mit fantastischer Sicht nach Sörenberg und die umliegenden Berge.

Ski touring route
Time required: 3 hours 30 minutesLength: 5.11km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Wiriehorn winter hiking trail

You can reach the starting point of the mountain-valley-winter hiking trail comfortably by chairlift. On the way you will be offered an impressive panorama with far-reaching views over the Diemtigtal.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 1 hour 45 minutesLength: 6.26km
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Winter hike Rossweid - Salwideli - Kemmeriboden

Pleasure hike from Sörenberg to the Merängge-Plausch in the Kemmeriboden-Bad.

Winter hiking path
Time required: 3 hours 30 minutesLength: 11.43km
Naturpark Beverin

Tenna solar ski lift

For those who do not wish to go on a ski tour, but would rather be pulled up a slope, there is the first solar ski lift in the whole world in Tenna.

Infrastructure WinterSki resort
Naturpark Beverin

Tschappina Ski lifts

Easily accessible, sunny , snow guaranteed at the inner Heinzenberg. 1,550 - 2182 m technical snow making, 6 installations, 25 km trails and a toboggan run.

Infrastructure WinterSki resort
Naturpark Beverin

Camana snow-shoe trail

An interesting snow-shoe trail past the idyllic Camana alpine huts with a view to Piz Beverin, Bruschghorn and the Glas pass.

Snowshoe route
Time required: 3 hours 30 minutesLength: 8.00km
Naturpark Beverin

Schneeschuhtrail Camana kurz

Die kürzere Variante vorbei an den idyllischen Camaner Alphütten mit Ausblick zum Piz Beverin, Bruschghorn und Glaspass.

Snowshoe route
Time required: 3 hoursLength: 5.00km