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03 Fuorcla Val Sassa

Dates / period

June, July, August, September, October


Urtatsch 2
7530 Zernez
Tel. +41 (0)81 851 41 41
Mobile -



Schweizerischer Nationalpark -

ausgedehnte Schneefelder in der Val Sassa
This challenging 8-hour alpine excursion is only recommended for sure-footed walkers with a head for heights.

Aptly named ‘stone’ valley, the route passes through enormous screes. Even in summer, stretches of snow-covered terrain have to be negotiated in the upper regions.

Ibex, Lai da Müschauns (not beside the path, can be seen from the pass – Fuorcla Val Sassa – where there is an amazing panorama), rock glacier Val Sassa. Overnight stay possible in Chamanna Cluozza.

Follow-up hikes
To Zernez on Route 07 or (after overnight stay in Chamanna Cluozza) continuation on Route 08.

Suitable for

The offer is suitable for

  • Adults
  • Children from 7-12 years
  • Children >12 years
  • 50+
  • Families
  • Groups

Schweizerischer Nationalpark

Chamanna Cluozza

An overnight stay in the wild romantic Val Cluozza is a lasting experience. The Chamanna Cluozza offers simple accommodation in shared rooms or in a mattress dormitory. It is an ideal starting point for walks in Val Cluozza.
