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1628 offers
Jurapark Aargau

(Ur-)Wald erleben

Bemooste Stämme, Totholz und steile Felswände prägen das Bild im Naturwaldreservat Egg-Königstein. Es wird seit dem Jahr 2000 sich selber überlassen. Zerfall und Zersetzung, neues Leben und Kampf gegen Naturgewalten werden eindrücklich sichtbar.

Offer for groups
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

01 Alp Trupchun


One of the most frequented walks in the Park, in particular during the rutting season at the end of September.

Hiking trail
Time required: 3 hoursLength: 9.50km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

02 Fuorcla Trupchun


Quite steep in the upper region, this is a route for those who are sure-footed on slippery scree.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 15 minutesLength: 3.00km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

03 Fuorcla Val Sassa


This challenging 8-hour alpine excursion is only recommended for sure-footed walkers with a head for heights.

Hiking trail
Time required: 7 hours 30 minutesLength: 17.50km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

05 Val Tantermozza


This short hike leads through a sparse spruce-larch-pine forest with some impressive giant trees.

Hiking trail
Time required: 40 minutesLength: 1.50km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

06 Murtaröl


This varied walk requires a certain amount of effort and is not often undertaken. It offers wonderful views into the Cluozza valley, towards the Engadine and the dominating peak of Piz Linard.

Hiking trail
Time required: 3 hours 30 minutesLength: 8.00km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

07 Chamanna Cluozza


Comparable to a Swiss Alpine Club mountain hut, Chamanna Cluozza is the only hut within the Park that offers overnight accommodation; with 61 sleeps.

Hiking trail
Time required: 3 hours 30 minutesLength: 8.00km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

08 Murter


One of the Park’s classics: this is a walk that gives plenty of opportunity to observe animals, many species of flora, and fascinating geological features such as dinosaur tracks or fossilised corals.

Hiking trail
Time required: 3 hours 45 minutesLength: 7.50km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

09 Margun Grimmels


This easy walk takes us from the Pass dal Fuorn road down to the Ova Spin compensation reservoir.

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 15 minutesLength: 3.50km
Naturpark Thal

1. Solothurner Waldwanderung

Durch Bärlauch und Märchenwald - diese Wanderung bietet die ganze Faszination der Jurawälder in einer Etappe

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 - 4hLength: 12.50km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

10 Spöl Valley


Our wilderness walk!
Less frequented than other routes, this relatively flat walk will suit those who are looking for a bit of peace and quiet. Woodland and waterside landscapes accompany us along its length.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 45 minutesLength: 8.00km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

11 Alp la Schera


On this walk we go along a stretch of the historical former route to Livigno, where horse-driven carts still travelled in the early days of the Park.

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 15 minutesLength: 3.00km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

12 Grimmels


Provided the snow has already melted, it is possible to do this easy circular walk around the hillside of Las Crastatschas as early as mid-May. The first timid signs of spring can be seen then, and ungulates have not yet moved to the higher regions.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 15 minutesLength: 6.00km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

13 Champlönch


This 2-hour walk follows the former Pass dal Fuorn road, offering pleasant views of the Pass dal Fuorn landscape with its typical stretches of mountain pine forest.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hoursLength: 5.00km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

14 Punt la Drossa – Il Fuorn


This trail leads from the customs house at Punt la Drossa/P4 to Il Fuorn/P6; we walk alongside the delightful Fuorn stream that manages most of the time to drown the sound of traffic on the Pass dal Fuorn road.

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hourLength: 2.50km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

15 Munt la Schera


Many people consider this to be the most enjoyable walk in the National Park.

Hiking trail
Time required: 4 hours 45 minutesLength: 13.00km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

16 Fuorn valley


In the first section, from Il Fuorn to former P7, we see the impressive contrast between a humid alpine mixed forest and a dry mountain pine forest.

Hiking trail
Time required: 1 hour 45 minutesLength: 5.00km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

17 Margunet


This well-frequented route has become increasingly popular since bearded vultures were released here between 1991 and 2007.

Hiking trail
Time required: 3 hoursLength: 8.00km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

18 Fuorcla Val dal Botsch


The walk over Fuorcla Val dal Botsch leads from the Pass dal Fuorn region to Val Mingèr, via a 2676 m high pass. It is normally passable from end of June to end of September.

Hiking trail
Time required: 6 hours 45 minutesLength: 17.50km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

19 Val Mingèr


The last bear in Switzerland was shot in Val Mingèr in 1904. Unfortunately the Swiss National Park was only founded 10 years later and could not, therefore, offer any refuge for this creature.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 15 minutesLength: 5.50km
Naturpark Thal

2. Solothurner Waldwanderung

Kreten, Schluchten, Wald - ein echtes Highlight im Naturpark Thal.

Hiking trail
Time required: > 6hLength: 19.50km
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

20 Mot Tavrü


Val Tavrü is of historic importance to the National Park. From 1911 to 1936, when the whole valley was part of the Park, it formed the boundary to our vast nature reserve.

Hiking trail
Time required: 2 hours 15 minutesLength: 6.00km
Naturpark Thal

Schatzsuche mit Pumpelpitz

16.11.2024 16:45 - 20:00

Verbringe mit Pumpelpitz einen schönen Nachmittag/Abend in Ramiswil SO im Naturpark Thal

Children's programme
Jurapark Aargau

Mystischer Streifzug durch dunkle Gassen für Kinder

23.11.2024 18:00 - 19:30

Altstadt-Nachtführung in Laufenburg für Kinder

Children's programme
Wildnispark Zürich Sihlwald

Mit dem Dampfzug zum Samichlaus

07.12.2024 13:40 - 16:40 / 17:20 - 20:28

Mit der über 100-jährigen Dampflock «Schnaaggi-Schaaggi» zum Samichlaus in den Sihlwald zu fahren, ist ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.

Children's programme
Parc naturel du Jorat

Explorations sauvages au Zoo de Servion

11.12.2024 13:30 - 18:00

Offre hivernale exclusive sur l'app mobile "Jorat : Guide".
Partez à la découverte des animaux sauvages et explorez leurs particularités au Zoo de Servion.

Children's programme
Parc naturel du Jorat

Explorations sauvages au Tropiquarium de Servion

18.12.2024 13:45

Offre hivernale exclusive sur l'app mobile "Jorat : Guide".
Partez à la découverte des animaux sauvages et explorez leurs particularités au Tropiquarium de Servion.

Children's programme
Parc naturel du Jorat

Explorations sauvages au Tropiquarium de Servion

15.01.2025 13:45

Offre hivernale exclusive sur l'app mobile "Jorat : Guide".
Partez à la découverte des animaux sauvages et explorez leurs particularités au Tropiquarium de Servion.

Children's programme
Parc naturel du Jorat

Explorations sauvages au Zoo de Servion

22.01.2025 13:30 - 18:00

Offre hivernale exclusive sur l'app mobile "Jorat : Guide".
Partez à la découverte des animaux sauvages et explorez leurs particularités au Zoo de Servion.

Children's programme
Parc naturel du Jorat

Explorations sauvages au Zoo de Servion

12.02.2025 13:30 - 18:00

Offre hivernale exclusive sur l'app mobile "Jorat : Guide".
Partez à la découverte des animaux sauvages et explorez leurs particularités au Zoo de Servion.

Children's programme
Jurapark Aargau

Perimuk-Abenteuer: Dachse und Füchse

12.02.2025 13:45 - 17:45

Entdecke mit Perimuk, dem Jurasaurier, den Laufenburger Wald und seine Bewohner.

Children's programme
Parc naturel du Jorat

Explorations sauvages au Tropiquarium de Servion

26.02.2025 13:45

Offre hivernale exclusive sur l'app mobile "Jorat : Guide".
Partez à la découverte des animaux sauvages et explorez leurs particularités au Tropiquarium de Servion.

Children's programme
Landschaftspark Binntal

Nachmittag im Stall

05.03.2025 14:00 - 15:30

Was bedeutet es, Berglandwirtschaft im Winter zu betreiben? Wir gehen zusammen in den Stall der Familie Heinen und erfahren, von wo die Milch eigentlich kommt. Besonders geeignet für Familien mit Kindern.

Children's programme
Parc naturel du Jorat

Explorations sauvages au Zoo de Servion

12.03.2025 13:30 - 18:00

Offre hivernale exclusive sur l'app mobile "Jorat : Guide".
Partez à la découverte des animaux sauvages et explorez leurs particularités au Zoo de Servion.

Children's programme
Parc naturel du Jorat

Explorations sauvages au Tropiquarium de Servion

19.03.2025 13:45

Offre hivernale exclusive sur l'app mobile "Jorat : Guide".
Partez à la découverte des animaux sauvages et explorez leurs particularités au Tropiquarium de Servion.

Children's programme
Jurapark Aargau

Perimuk-Abenteuer: Wildkräuter

26.04.2025 14:00 - 17:00

Perimuk, der Jurasaurier, nimmt dich mit in die Welt der Wildkräuter und essbaren Blumen.

Children's programme
Jurapark Aargau

Perimuk-Abenteuer: Experimentelle Archäologie

07.06.2025 14:00 - 17:00

Zurück in die Steinzeit: Perimuk, der Jurasaurier, macht dich für einen Nachmittag zum Steinzeit-Menschen.

Children's programme
Jurapark Aargau

Perimuk-Abenteuer: Glühwürmchen

28.06.2025 21:30 - 23:15

Im Reich von Perimuk dem Jurasaurier nehmen wir dich mit auf eine nächtliche Exkursion zu den Glühwürmchen.

Children's programme
Jurapark Aargau

Perimuk-Abenteuer: Vom Urknall bis in die Zukunft

05.10.2025 13:00 - 17:00

Wandern Sie auf diesem Familien-Abenteuer entlang des Evolutionspfads und entdecken Sie die Geschichte des Universums, der Erde und des Lebens.

Children's programme
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

21 Lais da Macun


23 lakes, crystalline bedrock, rare plant species and a fantasy world of dragons and dwarfs all contribute to Macun’s renown as one of the pearls of the National Park.

Hiking trail
Time required: 8 hoursLength: 21.00km
Landschaftspark Binntal

A natural ice rink - Grengiols

In winter a natural ice rink is operated above the village of Grengiols (in Oberdorf).

Infrastructure WinterSkating rink
Parc régional Chasseral


a-Hike bietet Wanderungen und Aktivitäten an, die von erfahrenen und leidenschaftlichen Wanderführern begleitet werden, um sich wieder mit dem Lebendigen zu verbinden, intensive Erfahrungen zu machen oder einfach die Natur und Kultur zu entdecken.

Parc naturel régional Jura vaudois

Abbey church of Romainmôtier

The church at Romainmôtier is one of the oldest Romanesque churches in Switzerland, and dates back to the Cluniacs.

Historical placeChurch
UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch  

Abenteuerpfad Marbach


Auf dem rund zweistündigen Abenteuerpfad durch die Natur erleben Klein & Gross die Geschichte der drei Vögel Mar, Sol und Lou und lauschen dem sagenhaften Gezwitscher.

Theme trail
Time required: 1 hourLength: 3.81km
Jurapark Aargau

Adventure Farm Erlenhof

Helen and Herbert Schmid open their farm - the Erlenhof in Wittnau - to visitors every summer. The visit is especially exciting for families.

Cultural landscapeMuseum / Exhibition
Schweizerischer Nationalpark

Aerie of the Golden eagle

King of the air. Under total protection since 1953. Wingspan up to max. 2.2 m. One aerie is near the road Pass dal Fuorn

Parc naturel régional Gruyère Pays-d'Enhaut

Agriculture trail Charmey - La Valsainte

This hiking trail showcases the important contribution of farming to this pre-Alpine landscape.

Theme trail
Time required: 1 hour 30 minutesLength: 5.50km
Naturpark Diemtigtal

Albert Schweitzer Trail

The circular trail around Grimmialp is dedicated to probably the most famous guest from Diemtigtal. The stays between 1901 and 1909 strongly influenced Schweitzer's ethic of «reverence for life».

Theme trail
Time required: 1 hour 30 minutesLength: 4.81km
Wildnispark Zürich Sihlwald

Albis observation tower

153 Steps up to an unlimited panorama over the whole wilderness park of Zurich and beyond: from the Black Forest to the Säntis, the Glarus Alps, Lake of Zug, Rigi, Pilatus, and the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau.

Wildnispark Zürich Sihlwald

Albishorn mountain restaurant

Mountain restaurant with a panorama

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