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Gantrisch via ferrata

Other routes
Time required: 4 hoursLength: 7.50 km


June, July, August, September, October


Naturpark Gantrisch
Förderverein Region Gantrisch
Schlossgasse 13
3150 Schwarzenburg
Tel. +41 (0)31 808 00 20

Naturpark Gantrisch - The via ferrata has enjoyed great popularity. Not surprisingly, as it leads over compact rock up to a summit with stunning views.

The via ferrata is open from June 15 to October 15.



7.50 km
Amount untarred route
7.50 km
Altitude difference ascent
632 m
Altitude difference descent
624 m
Time required
4 hours
Level technique
Level condition
Height profile view map


Equipment / Equipment rent

As of now, the material rental for the via ferrata to climb is on site again.
Via ferrata set, gear and helmet can be rented here:
Alp Obernünenen, with family Zwahlen Conny and Klaus 079 380 59 50.
Rental fee: Fr. 20.00 /+ deposit !
Bächli Bergsport, Waldhöheweg 1, 3013 Bern-Breitenrain, Tel +41 (0)31 330 80 80,


See link to the SAC tour portal under "Miscellaneous".
Open from June 15 to October 15 according to the requirements of the BAFU (requirements for game protection).

Safety advices

Difficulty K4, T4, 1.5-2 hours, 200 vertical meters.
Requirements: good physical condition, surefooted and free from giddiness.

Price information

The via ferrata is checked and renovated annually by experienced mountain guides. This maintenance work is costly.
For the use of the via ferrata we ask all guests for a contribution:
- One ascent of the via ferrata costs CHF 15.
- An annual fee for the via ferrata costs CHF 50.-.
Thank you very much for your support!


Starting point
Gurnigel, Wasserscheide (Altitude: 1580 m)
Arrival by public transport
Gurnigel, Wasserscheide Timetable SBB
Gurnigel, Wasserscheide (Altitude: 1580 m)
Arrival by public transport
Gurnigel, Wasserscheide Timetable SBB

Suitable for

The offer is suitable for

  • Adults
  • Children >12 years

To discover on the trail

Naturpark Gantrisch

Berghaus Gurnigel

Der Treffpunkt, Informations- und Erlebnispunkt auf dem Gurnigel. Drehscheibe für einen gelungen Aufenthalt in den Bergen - wo die Kulinarik, Gastfreundschaft und Aktivität unter einem Dach einen gemeinsamen Platz finden.

RestaurantHotelGroup accommodationFarm restaurant
Naturpark Gantrisch

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“Chuebärg Alpleben“ ist eine familiengeführte und wunderschön gelegene Alp auf dem Gurnigel. Auf der Sonnenterrasse des Alpbeizli geniessen Gäste Alpprodukte. In der unteren Alphütte Moos können Besucher:innen wie dazumals übernachten.

Bed and BreakfastGroup accommodationAgrotourismAlpine hut and shelterDirect sellingAlpine huts offering regional product
