Ernen: Ernen-Z'Brigg
The sledging run starts in Ernen village and finishes in Niederernen Z'Brigg. The nearby bus stop offers a good public transport connection.
Swiss Parks Network
Monbijoustrasse 61
CH-3007 Berne
Tel. +41 (0)31 381 10 71
Mob. +41 (0)76 525 49 44
Landschaftspark Binntal - «Bergland Produkte» is a farm and 'life' community comprising six adults and five children. We operate an organically-based agri-tourism farm in picturesque Ernen, at 1,200 metres above sea level.
The farm is mainly home to old breeds of domestic animals threatened with extinction, such as Hinterwälder cattle, old Valais country sheep and wool-haired grazing pigs. The guest rooms in the residential house, in the middle of the historic village center, offer space for four people. Book farm vacations, horse riding training or one of the popular trekking offers. Not to forget our mules, which are available for training, horseback riding and trekking. In our fields flourish fine tea and spice herbs, as well as many different types of vegetables. The harvest is gently dried in the farm's own facility and processed into tasty tea, spice and vegetable blends. We sell the various products to restaurants and stores, in our own organic store or they are delivered by mail.
All season